Saturday, 27 April 2013

Spinning out of control

It's true I am but not in the way you think, its my new obsession. I got my spinning wheel for my birthday at the end of March and I have been spinning ever since. I also treated myself to a drum carder from Classic carders which was a very big treat luckily I had some birthday money to spend.

I am really enjoying spinning and I have so many fibres to try from wensleydale to merino to milk protein. I have loads of coloured merino from when i used to use it for wet felting to make bags, so I have been using it to practise. I also managed to buy some raw fleeces to make some lovely natural yarn I have a wensleydale all curly and very long, a brown alpaca, a white alpaca to dye, a hebridean, and a Shetland. Being raw I have to prepare them first washing and carding. So I have lots of work to do before I can spin them.

My first yarns are 'interesting lumpy' but i am getting better the more I practise.

Thursday, 4 April 2013


My very first Mollie Makes Make!

Loving knitting at the moment sorry its keeping me away from blogging:-)